Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Spem in alium

I heard this piece by Thomas Tallis on the radio and was transfixed. I asked my dad if he'd heard it before and he hadn't, so I tried to find a recording at the library to play for him. Well, the 1969 recording they had (on a scratchy record, at that) did nothing for the piece, so where else to turn but YouTube?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura, the Tallis Scholars (who, if you don't know them, are FANTASTIC!) have recorded Spem In Alium - it's on their own label, Gimmel, and I know Amazon carries it - and probably Barnes and Noble and/or Borders. Did you know the piece is written in 40 parts?? I believe it's 8 choirs of 5 voices each. I've never sung it, but I'd love to (my dad has, though). The Tallis Scholars must have seriously supplemented their group to record it, since they're only about 16 singers, maybe 20. It's totally worth looking for the CD. Have I mentioned you have fantastic taste in music?

:-) Elizabeth

10:45 AM  
Blogger ~ Shannon said...

Words fail me.

And that doesn't happen often, let me tell you ;)

Yours in Christ,

10:27 PM  
Blogger Serena said...

That is beautiful.

11:50 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Elizabeth, I've heard of the Tallis Scholars but I don't have any of their recordings. It's fun to find other "kindred spirits" in music -- thanks for the recommendation!

2:28 PM  

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