Today saw the fulfillment of a girlhood dream of mine -- I NOW HAVE MY VERY OWN POINTE SHOES!! Yup, those feet in the picture are mine. If I don't break my ankles first, soon I will be skimming across the floor on my toes. :)
Labels: dance
Congratulations! :)
I understand shoe dreams! lol I just recently found a pair of red shoes almost like the ones I desperately wanted when I was a little girl.
What is your dance history? I love ballet but now just from the audience. lol Your shoes are beautiful what type are they?
Sorry I didn't say I'm Sensible Daughter from S&S. :-)
Thanks, Amelia! My shoes are Bloch Sonatas. I took ballet classes off and on as a girl, but stopped around age 11. This past year I started it up again, for fun and exercise. I really love it.
Oh My Gosh! You should not be on pointe girl. You don't even know how to sew them so you WON'T break your ankles and they'll support you. I'm on pointe and I had to go through 10 years of intensive and professional training before my teacher put me on DEMI pointe shoes! I was the youngest person on demi's and am now the youngest on pointes. Go back to 3 year old training and get some arches! You are so flat footed that I can't believe you are actually doing ballet.
She's right! You look like Angelina frickin ballerina.
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